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Magical Ferris Wheel Ride

John J. Mistur

Jessica, my first love, FaceTimes me last night and tells me she's in Seattle for an Ophthalmology convention. We hit it off and agree to meet by the wooden Orca statue under the Great Wheel on Pier 57 at 7:30 p.m.

Since I'm volunteering late at the aquarium and she will be out with doctors down the boardwalk at Pier 54, the plan is set. I can't believe I'm meeting with her after twenty-five years.

At 6:00, I wave the jellyfishes goodbye and head out into the sunset down the boardwalk toward the Ferris Wheel. The giant-spoked white wheel is already lit up with blue and green lights flashing in crazy patterns. I see an elderly gentleman dressed nicely in a full purple suit selling roses, so I buy one for Jessica. I noticed her Facebook profile says 'no relationship' so I want to be suave. Never know.

I get to Pier 57 and buy us some tickets at the pop-up booth before going to the Jumping Orca statue. I'm mesmerized watching the Great Wheel slowly going into hypnotic circles while people go in and out of their little pods.

My armpits are sweating while I nervously wait and watch all the people rounding the corner. I look like such a tool with my sea otter hat on; amongst other things, I wonder what she's going to think of my new headset or me being in a power chair now. I haven't gone on a date in years. What am I going to say? I'm freaking, and, then from around the corner, I see Jessica.

She's wearing a long yellow dress and her strawberry blonde hair bounces as she runs towards me. She looks so angelic because the neon lights reflect off her.

"John! Oh my Gwad. I can't believe it's you," she frantically yells, and gives me a hug. She smells like the lilies on her dress and her eyes sparkle like green stars.

"Hi Jessica. You look so pretty! I got this for you," I reach down to give her the rose but fail because I'm overwhelmed with beauty, and I can't give it to her.

"Aww…Thanks, John. Love your hat. You know, there's a Blood Moon tonight?" We both look up at the full moon and the orange reflection on the Puget Sound.

"Wow. Looks like the shadow is almost complete. Spooky," I respond.

"So, what do you want to do tonight?” she seductively asks, raising her eyebrows.

"I got us tickets to ride. I thought that would be fun!"

"Oh, no John. I'm scared of heights."

"We'll be fine, I promise. Look, they got an elevator so we can get on one of the Moon Pods."

"Hahaha…Moon Pods. What the hell? You only live once," she concedes quickly.

She grabs my hand, and a tidal wave rushes through me while we slowly float under the two-hundred-foot Wheel to the Accesevador.

She nervously waits for me on top of the platform. As the Lift comes, I look up, and she looks like a goddess the way her dress molds around her curves, making her look like a yellow mermaid as her hair blows in the wind.

"You ready to do this?" I try excite her. "I got us the deluxe car. With heating and black lights," I jokingly say.

Our pod shows up, so I load up first then she slowly sits across from me in the red leather couch. The attendant shuts the door. The black lights come on and turns her dress turn purple along with the sea otter on my head. This feels unbelievable. Usually, women of her caliber avoid eye contact or quickly cross the street.

"Here we go!" I say when we begin the assent.

"John! I can't do this," she yelps during the first rotation.

"Come sit next to me. Should I move back a little?" I mess with her.

"John! Don't move! I'll come over." She gets up, trying to keep her balance, and then falls into the couch next to me. She scooches herself next to me. She links her arm with mine. We start cuddling as we enjoy view of the Space Needle, Skyline, and being together. Something I haven't felt in a long while. The warmth and acceptance of a woman.

We stop at the very top while somebody loads. The Pod begins to shake so I tighten up our grip as we swing.

"Look, John! The shadow is complete." She points with her other hand, leaning over me. I take a look and when I turn around, we lock eyes. She comes closer and kisses me on my lips. Her lips are soft and taste like cherries. I think I forgot how to kiss but everything's so natural. When we stop, I look into her eyes, and say, " Can I ask you something? Can I have another one?" And we share another heartfelt kiss.

We get off the Ferris Wheel and start slowly strolling towards the other Pier, where we can be more alone.

"Wow. Jessica. That was the most magical Ferris Wheel ride I've ever had," I enthusiastically tell her. "Never thought this would ever happen to me.”

"What do you mean?"

"I've never thought I would ever be with such a beautiful, smart, and funny woman that I feel such a connection with."

"That's so sweet John. Right? I feel a bond as well. Like we haven't been apart all these years!" She laughs, putting her hand on my shoulder.

We go to the end of the pier, and we see a Seattle ferry start launching from the dock. She leans up against my wheelchair and I feel her warm touch again.

West Seattle high-rise Condominiums are lit up, and beyond the ferry there's a giant shipping boat with red and green stacked box cars slowly chugging along to the port.

"You know I'm here for another couple days. Maybe you can show me around?” she asks, nudging me with her elbow.

"Yeah, sure! We could go to the Gum Wall in the market, or the Chihuly Glass Museum," I excitedly respond.

"I'm so glad you decided to meet with me John J. I feel like this was meant to be. I mean, look at the blood moon. That’s got to be a sign! Don't you think?"

"Sure. I believe in omens. I have to admit this feels invigorating, being with you right now. I never feel like this. My heart is beating so fast right now," I tell her as I look at her.

She leans down and kisses me on the lips again, and when she's done, I can't stop smiling, and she starts giggling. This is crazy.

"Hey, John, I've been reading about MS since learning your diagnosis. There are a lot of people that have been able to get better. Do you know Terry Wahls, or Montell Williams?” she goes on. "They've been able to change the course of the disease with diet. Have you tried changing your diet?"

She starts talking about something I'd rather not get into, but I entertain her.

"I've read her book, and I try to eat as many fruits and vegetables as possible," I respond.

"That’s great!" She laughs. "Do you feel better? She also does something called E-stim. Have you ever tried that?"

I know what treatment she's talking about, but to get the amount of E-stim Terry received is almost impossible, and not even proven to work.

"Yes. I have a mini E-stim."

"Can we talk about something else?” I say, changing the subject. “What are your plans after going back to Cleveland?”

"Not sure. My kids are about to go off to college. I'll be an empty nester. I'm really enjoying all the beauty out here," she continues. "Optometrists need a lot of assistants. Hey! I have an idea. I'm thinking of moving here and get a job. What if I moved out here, John?” she joyously boasts.

"I don't know. What about your family?"

"Oh, they'd understand. I can move here and be your motivational coach! Help you with your diet and E-stim. I know in a year we can beat your MS. Like Terry Wahls did!" Jessica jumps up and down.

"That's crazy. Why would you want to do that? Especially with a loser freak like me."

"John! You are not a freak. You're amazeballs. You’re a volunteer, and look at the way you drive your chair. You gotta be more positive."

"Come on Jess. This has been such a great evening. Can we talk about this tomorrow?" I try to change the subject again.

"I know I can help you! I want to be there for you, John. I still care about you so much. I know we can make a great team." She keeps pressuring me. She puts her pink fingertips gently on my knee.

I was not expecting to be put in this situation tonight. She's acting like an MS expert and thinks there's some magical cure or something. Now I really don't know what to say. "I would love to have you be my coach, Jessica, but you're not thinking this through. I mean, what if I don't get better? Christ, I can get worse!” I shake my head.

"Settle down, John. Even if that happens, I'll still care for you. This reunion was supposed to happen. I want to be with you." She's sweetly squeezing my knee.

"Being with you tonight has been one of the best nights of my life, but that's not going to happen! I don't want you to spend the rest of life dealing with me. My MS. There's so many better paths that you can take Jessica." I surprise her. I keep thinking about how she doesn't even know half the shit. Feeding me, bathing me, and the constant nagging. Not to mention my sexual problems. She deserves a better life than that.

"John. How can you say that? None of that matters…"

"Jesus, Jessica, enough!" I interrupt her. "You don't understand. Can't you see this headset! I'm already getting worse! You are so great, but I got to go!" I howl and turn around. Upping the speed on my wheelchair, I drive back to the boardwalk, dropping her rose on the bumpy, dirty planks.

Author: John Mistur



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