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Finding Your Own Voice in Writing

Swedish MS Center Creative Writing Program

The stories below are written by the Swedish MS Center Writing Class, which began virtually in March 2020. We started with flash fiction (stories of 100 to 1000 words) on the premise that if you learn to write a good paragraph, you can expand it into a good story. With the goal of eventually publishing a book, our writers are continuously writing and improving their memoirs and short stories. Below are a selection of these stories.


The stories and views expressed here are those of each individual author. Authors are encouraged to choose their own topics for each prompt. All opinions, language, or reflections are those of the author and do not represent Swedish Medical Group.

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Well, we finally achieved our goal and published our book in December 2021! 

Stories from Our Center: Lives Challenged by MS is officially on sale at Amazon! 

All proceeds from the sale of this book support the Swedish MS Center Endowment for Supportive Care Services to help us continue to offer wellness programs like this for anyone living with MS. Thank you for your support!


This group is continuing to write and will welcome new members to a beginner class in March 2022. We will continue to feature some of our stories here each month. If you have any questions about this program, or the MS Center at Swedish, please contact

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Happiness in MS

Multiple Sclerosis is a horrible disease. There's an endless list of debilitating symptoms to deal with all the time. Especially...

Conquering Hoh Redux

Pulling into the parking lot of Hoh Rainforest, I am filled with a swirl of so many emotions. Our surroundings are so lush, serene and...

A Gardener's High

I work quickly as dusk quietly melts the light, and robins begin repeating their short melodic riff signaling time for bed. The dirt is...

If I'm Not Happy...

The alarm goes off. I am dreaming of our trip to Antarctica. We have seen whales, leopard seals, and so many wondrous birds. Today we are...

Not an Option

The scene on the beach is bright and colorful. The purple, orange and red Gore-Tex dry suits, worn by my family and our dear friends from...


All kinds of questions arise when you receive a diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis. Most of the answers medical professionals give you at...

Not Again

After waking up this morning and transferring into my manual wheelchair, I feel like I just ran a marathon. If I could run a marathon....

Snow Day Surprise

I felt Jack roughly shaking me a second before his bellow hit my ear, “GET UP! It snowed and we don’t have to go to school. I want to go...

She's First

I had been a reporter in Seattle for a year, but my real value to the country radio station KMPS-AM & FM where I worked was as the...

The Conversation

I am going to tell you a story. You probably won't believe it, but I swear to you it is true. Cross my heart. I have changed names to...

Face Behind the Numbers

Often times, real life scenarios in Pharmacy school were verbosely explained and coated with sugar like Saturday morning cereals. When I...

Fly Away Now, Little Bird

I received the notice inviting me to attend an AP college course in Archaeology two months before the end of my Junior year of high...

A Grand Adventure (Een Groots Avontuur)

After a week of the hypnotic clacking of metal on rails and the soothing hum of muted conversations from other passengers, the conductor...

Remembering Dad

I piloted my new trike with the ‘rocket’ theme (complete with battery-powered afterburner) on a lifetime of interstellar trips around the...

Memories are Made of This

When I was young, I had walked through these headstones to visit Grandpa’s grave on Memorial Day many times with my grandma. We would...

The Strawberry Fields

Our parents are taking off for the summer to sail to Alaska. I really want to go, but noooooo. So, they had to decide what to do with me...

Hotdog Chop Life

Content Warning: this piece contains strong language (swearing, references to alcohol and marijuana) There is so much going on in the...

Green Prompt Paragraphs

Each month in class we write a prompt paragraph of 100 words or less. A prompt paragraph is a suggested topic for the writer to take any...


Tony and Maryann blissfully slept, recovering from the exhausting intensity of the hospital. The decision was made, but it had been hard....

The Sunday Morning Massacre

Jessica felt good this morning. It was the last day of a full week pounding the sidewalks of this tough neighborhood. She had worked...

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